Course Description
Workplace Investigations and Best Practices
Duration 2 hours
Investigation planning: What a good investigation looks like, and how to plan one
Conducting interviews: How to inform parties of the investigation and explain the process. Outlinting interview questions for consistency.
Assessing credibility: How to treat all parties equally and make decisions based on objective criteria
Collecting evidence: How to use physical and digital evidence to document facts and support conclusions
Interviewing witnesses: How to document the investigation, assess credibility, and understand the legal rights of participants
Building rapport: How to create a connection with interviewees to ensure effective communication
Crafting interviewing questions and road maps: How to use effective interview techniques
Review of case studies and practices
Ready to Sign Up?
To take the Workplace Investigations and Best Practices training course, please click below to access the iHR4solutions Course Calendar and schedule a time that works for you. We look forward to seeing you in training!